Protostars and Galaxy Jets with Electric Currents Attract H Gas from High-Velocity Ionized Charged H+ Clouds HVCs pervading in the IGM WHIM Filaments

Lehner and Howk of Univ. Notre Dame Indiana state “THE IGM IS A SOURCE OF GAS THAT FORMS STARS in our galaxy.” Fast moving highly ionized clouds rain down ionized hydrogen on the galaxy disk.  Along EXTRAGALACTIC sight lines, Hubble and FUSE revealed that over 70 to 90% of the sky is highly ionized high-velocity clouds HVCs. The component at minus -118 km/sec is likely associated with the OUTER ARM of the milky way. The +180 km/sec HVC is likely plunging at high speed onto the thick disk of the milky way.” Star formation is fed by incoming large-scale IGM flows from galaxy halo objects or HVCs.  Clearly, POLARITY charged Protostar jets are conclusive observational proof that EM charged forces in charged plasma from the IGM are forming stars, and not gravity from gas already in the galaxy.  Lehner says “the mass of the iHVC is proportional to the distance squared.”  Gravitational Mass replaced Charge in Maxwell’s EM equations, when Einstein tried to make mechanics (gravity) consistent with electromagnetism. Charged HVCs in the IGM are obviously ruled not from gravity, but by electromagnetic forces.  Pat Hartigan of Rice University has made a movie of baby star jets, by using only 14 years of photos, showing extremely slight variations, changes and motions.  Gravitational interpretations for EM jets are ludicrous, and still being presented. Jets carry and show the direction that the electric current is moving. Friction heats up the accretion disk of attracted gas and dust. The jets shrink as the star forms and develops a heliospheric current sheet that extends beyond the solar system, that increases with strength at distance, and suddenly halts where magnetic field bubbles are being discovered.  Hannes ALfven In 1977 first proposed that galaxies have a larger-scaled Galactic current sheet like stars. The electric current in the heliospheric current sheet has a radial spiral structural component of 3 x 10^9 amps, implying a continually flowing electric current towards the sun.  Alfven and Carlqvist in 1977 published “Interstellar Clouds and the Formation of Stars.” Alfven mentions the “pseudo-plasma formalism” is wrong, and that star formation naturally belongs to the field of cosmic plasma physics. Stars form from a dusty plasma cloud, and magnetic fields promote contraction of interstellar clouds. Magnetic compression may be the main mechanism for forming interstellar clouds and keeping them together.”

 Gas and dust attracts to the jets, forming the accretion disk. A new phase of matter research is superconductors, that will conduct electricity with 100% efficiency, without any energy loss by resistance, and only near absolute zero temperatures like in outer space. It will explain away gravitational star theories, and black holes. The jets disappear after a star forms, because the heliosphere sheath electric field extends beyond the length of the solar system. Most stars form in spiral arms of galaxies, and the jets that carry electric currents form protostars in spiral arms.  As dust and gas is attracted to the jets, the jets shrink as the accretion disk wraps around the electric current. This causes the star to orbit around the galaxy, because the protostar jets indicate the directions of highly ionized flowing plasma coming in from the intergalactic medium or IGM.  Howk and Lehner of Univ Notre Dame have shown that highly ionized high-velocity clouds HVCs are forming stars in our galaxy, raining down fast-moving highly ionized hydrogen down on the galaxy’s disk.